De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

Health insurers: An update on pensions

November 09 2023

In this message you will find feedback from recent consultations between health insurers, trade unions and pension funds about a new pension scheme for ZN and you.

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Pension consultation between social partners

On Tuesday, November 7, 2023, there was another pension consultation between employers and trade unions. We have an external pension advisor who guides us in this and prepares the meetings with presentations on topics. She indicates the different options and then it is up to the collective labor agreement parties to make the choices together. For example, on November 7 we discussed the transition plan, compensation, risk sharing reserve, disability pension, longevity risk and communication. On two subjects, viz compensation en risk sharing reserve an explanation has been drawn up with which we inform employees and members of health insurers.

All agreements we make about pension components are part of the transition plan. The Dutch Bank has drawn up a draft transition plan containing chapters that parties must complete with their agreements. The chapters laid down in it include responsibilities, participation and right to be heard, the character of the new pension scheme, accrued pension entitlements and pension rights, agreements made about compensation and filling the solidarity reserve, transition period, accountability for balance and, finally, communication. After each pension consultation, the various chapters of the transition plan are supplemented until everything is ultimately described.

We have one more meeting scheduled for 2023, on Monday, December 4. The planning for 2024 will be made soon.

Tripartite consultation

In the last tripartite consultation, the SBZ pension fund, employers and trade unions informed each other about progress on the pension file. Social partners have indicated where they stand in their discussions about the new pension scheme. SBZ has provided an explanation of their discussions with pension provider Achmea Pensioen Services (APS) about the planning and transition, fund manager AIM about the investment mixes and DNB about the research into data quality during transition. The last tripartite consultation for 15 is scheduled for Friday, December 2023. New agreements will be made for 2024.


If you want to respond to this message or want to get in touch, you can reach the representative Emanuel Geurts via 06-5252 2074 or via† For individual advice you can contact the colleagues of the Service Center department via 0345-851 963, via email or the chat function We are happy to help you!


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