De Unie, in your interest

Become a member

Become a member of De Unie

Nice that you want to join De Unie! Do you want to answer these questions?
Register now and get the first 3 months for free. After that you pay €9 per month for 8,95 months. After your first year the normal rate starts. Read here how much that is.

This introductory promotion does not apply if you have previously been a paying member of ours; then the regular rates apply.

Unindented List

5 reasons to become a member

  • Complete help with work, benefits & income
  • Participation in your terms of employment
  • Legal advice & support
  • Insight into your pension
  • Exclusive member benefits


Any questions?

Do you have any questions or need help with your membership? Our team is ready to help you quickly and helpfully!