De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

Arcadis: An update on retirement

May 11, 2023

In this message we inform you about pension legislation and the pension discussions that trade unions and HR are conducting at Arcadis with the support of an external pension expert.

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Pension Act

After the House of Representatives voted in favor of the new pension law in December 2022, it is now up to the Senate to give their opinion on it. The senators have already asked more than 1.000 questions, which have also been answered by the minister. The further discussion of the pension law has been postponed to the end of May 2023, just before the current Senate ends. You can learn more about the pension (legislative) process here find back.

Pension Arcadis

The current Arcadis pension scheme has been concluded for three years and runs from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025. It was then agreed that the parties would meet before the end of the contract to agree on a new pension scheme in the context of the new Pension Act. In previous sessions, the social partners have already come to the choice of the pension contract, namely the solidarity contract.

In March 2023, we continued with the topics of entry and compensation. You can find the explanation for this in my previous newsletter. Last Monday, May 8, we discussed the goals of the solidarity reserve and how it is used. With the solidarity scheme, a solidarity reserve is mandatory. Every year, part of the positive excess return and the premium may be paid into the solidarity reserve. In addition, when the current pensions are taken into effect, part of the assets may be used to fill the solidarity reserve. The social partners want to use the solidarity reserve to prevent a decrease in pension benefits in payment, possibly with a transitional period for almost retired people. We are still investigating whether partial inflation protection can also be financed from the reserve. When the solidarity reserve is filled from positive excess returns, all participants, sleepers and pensioners contribute to the reserve. This fits in well with the objective of the solidarity premium scheme that all participants can benefit in the short or longer term from the protection offered by the solidarity reserve.

The next appointment about pension is on Monday 12 June 2023. Then we will discuss the design of the distribution phase and the input for risk attitude. We also know more about the legislative process. So to be continued.

More Info

More information about the current pension can be found at The Dutch Pension Fund, circle Arcadis. On our website you will also find some general things that you should pay attention to when you retire.


Do you have a question or comment about this newsletter? Please contact the representative Emanuel Geurts via and/or by telephone on 06-5252 2074. If you have an individual question or need advice, please contact our Service Center at or by phone on 0345-851 963. We are happy to advise you!

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