De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

Contract catering / Hospitality: What do you think?

February 28 2022

The current Collective Labor Agreement for Contract Catering runs until 1 April 2022. In a number of rounds in January, February and March, we are working on a new Collective Labor Agreement with agreements for different groups of employees. The current employees who now fall under the Collective Labor Agreement Contract Catering and new employees who work in contract catering and catering. This will then become the Collective Labor Agreement for Hospitality with a broader scope than the current Collective Labor Agreement for Contract Catering. In addition to discussions on the entire collective labor agreement, the social partners also simultaneously discuss the specific situation and employment conditions for the inflight branch.

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CLA negotiations

The fourth round of negotiations for the sector collective labor agreement took place on 22 February. The points that were discussed were the amount of the wage increase, the roster/working hours, the form of a generation pact arrangement, how to make a transition from contract catering package of employment conditions to hospitality and the intended scope of application for the sector. Preliminary work has already been done on many points and discussed with each other. Now it's time to sort everything out and determine the value of the proposals. We will discuss this further on Monday 7 March 2022.

Hopefully on 7 March there will also be more clarity from the Horeca & Catering pension fund about the (im)possibilities of a generation pact scheme for both the broad sector and inflight. One thing is already certain, namely that its possible introduction cannot be on April 1, 2022. We are now aiming for January 1, 2023 before this could be implemented. So to be continued.

On Tuesday, March 1, 2022, we will continue to discuss the inflight branch. Social partners want to keep the inflight in the sector collective labor agreement for the time being, but with their own deviating agreements. On Wednesday 23 February 2022, employers in inflight and the trade unions spoke with the two Works Council chairmen of KCS and Gate Gourmet. We have updated both chairmen on the topics of discussion (wage/purchasing power, labor market tightness, future of the aviation sector, generation pact, working conditions) that are on the table. They recognized these points and were also able to provide additions from their practice. We have also jointly concluded that it is good to plan a third round of discussions. Undoubtedly, the upcoming talks will be about (the effects of) the war in Ukraine, the closure of European airspace and the sanctions against Russia.

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What do you think?

Do you recognize the topics of conversation in the Contract catering and the inflight? Do you have any suggestions or practical experiences for me? I, representative Emanuel Geurts, am curious about your opinion and input. I would like to receive it via my email address or mobile number 06-5252 2074. I'd love to hear from you!


If you want to respond to this newsletter or want to be in touch about a collective case, you can reach me on 06-5252 2074 or via For individual advice you can contact my colleagues from the Service Center department via 0345-851 963, via email or the chat function



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