De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

Contract catering, hospitality and inflight: how did the latest collective labor agreement negotiations go?

April 11, 2024

With this newsletter we inform you about the negotiations for contract catering, hospitality and inflight.

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Contract catering and hospitality

On Tuesday, April 9, 2024, negotiations took place about the collective labor agreement for contract catering, hospitality and inflight. The conversations take place via two tables, namely the in-flight table and the so-called wide table. The good news is that the parties have reached an agreement regarding inflight. This has not yet been achieved at the wide table. Employers still have to consult with each other on a number of final points. The employers will inform the unions of their position on this on Thursday, April 11. Depending on this, this may or may not lead to a result at the broad collective labor agreement table.

Because the employment conditions of employees in contract catering, hospitality and inflight are included in one collective labor agreement, there will only be a negotiation result (and a new collective labor agreement) if all aspects have been agreed. Until it is available, we cannot yet share its contents with you, as they may still change. We realize that everyone wants to know where they stand, but in our opinion partial information will only lead to more uncertainty. We therefore ask for some patience.


Good news! After eight rounds of negotiations, a very good result has been achieved between the employers and De Unie, FNV Catering, and CNV Vakmensen for the inflight section of the contact catering collective labor agreement. The employers and unions will present the negotiation result to their supporters.

As you may know, the inflight section is part of the broad contract catering collective labor agreement. This means that there is only a collective labor agreement if an agreement is also reached at the broad collective labor agreement table. A number of points are still being negotiated. These points do not touch the inflight paragraph. In order not to disrupt the process at the broad collective labor agreement table, unfortunately no details about the result of the inflight paragraph can be shared yet. The details of the negotiation outcome have also yet to be written out, so that there can be no noise on the line about these details. Unfortunately, this still takes some time.

The contract catering collective labor agreement expired on April 1, 2024. Even though there has not yet been a formal agreement on the collective labor agreement, inflight employers have decided, without being obliged to do so, to implement a wage increase with the April salary in line with the achieved negotiation result.

As soon as there is news from the negotiations on the broad collective labor agreement, we will of course share this with you. The parties then also share the details (percentages and amounts) of the results achieved in the inflight section. We expect this to be the case in the foreseeable future.


If you would like to respond to this newsletter or contact our advocate Emanuel Geurts, please email or call 06-52522074. For individual advice, you can contact the Service Center on 0345-851 963, via or the chat function

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