De past time to have De Union and her fellow unions negotiated about the Social Contract Green Steel. Tata Steel is going about a number years we number factories Close for the purpose of the transition to green steel. Then manufacture of steel with help of hydrogen.
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In the Social Contract stand for de arrangements that we to agree for Staff members that concerned are at the factories that Close as consequence transition to green steel. A important starting point At the Social Contract is that there is also after the closures for everybody work is within Tata Steel.
De main reason for the draw up from the Social Contract is that Tata Steel the Staff members concerned factories wil motivate make te stay environment up to and including the last day their factory produces. beside is the Social Contract meant om Staff members te help out ander work te how we can help your na closure factories. Then sweetest within Tata Steel.
I Agree op outline
Op Thursday 22 December 2022 to have we a agreement op outline reached about the Social Contract.
De subjects where we on outline appointments over to have made:
- The applicable employment pact
De Staff members factories that Close to have we job guarantee en to get na closure of their factory we foreign work offered. Thereby the Tao zij minimaal have an updated working conditions with the income guarantee that applies in the collective agreement. - Intensive personal conversations
Tata Steel provides intensive personal conversations on and career guidance that lead to one dish in person individually (training-)plan for de future. The intention is with this asked in 2023 at start. - Dishes individual custom solutions
A suitable Grant that helps at a Any custom solution for some individual Staff members for who one retraining- and reassignment process did not real is. - A stay premium
Om Staff members te stimulate at Tata Steel in stay environment, until have an updated factory about a number years actual close.- €40 stupid for Staff members of the Kooks and Gasworks 1 and 2 and Blast furnaces 6 and 7 at the first closure.
- beside € 20.000, - stupid for de Staff members that then even work through till the closure second factory.
- The start of the payout of this stay premiums is 5 year for closure:
– 50%, in 4 equal term
– 50% on it einde, at the closure factory - This amounts Worden increased with future structural collective labor agreement increases.
- This Grant applies also at the (partial) closure Sinter factory† At the Dolomite brick factory applies this Grant also, with it difference that closure earlier takes place, what effect heeft on the named terms.
How the appointments er exactly from com te see is still now did not known. From 2023 to go we this appointments further in details to work out. As soon is known about this, the members will be informed about it.
If you have any questions or comments in response to this message, please contact the representative, Hans Korver, at