De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

Contract catering: Invitation to employee survey

March 01 2023

The members are invited to participate in the employee survey in contract catering, hospitality and inflight.

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Employee survey  

The members have already been informed about the employee survey in the run-up to the Catering Congress. At that time we were still working on the (final) preparations, but now it is ready.

The members are now invited to participate and to give their opinion on work, customer/market developments and job satisfaction. The survey is anonymous. We do, however, ask you to fill in a number of personal characteristics in order to get a better picture of any differences in groups of employees. Completing the questionnaire takes a maximum of 10 minutes and is possible through Monday, March 13, 2023.

The survey is open to all employees and has been sent to all companies in the sector. The platform of works councils (POCC) will also draw attention to this and the three trade unions will send the questionnaire to their members. The results of the research will be the first to be explained to those present at the catering conference. Another reason to sign up for it!


If you want to respond to this message, please contact the representative Emanuel Geurts on 06-5252 2074 or via† For individual advice you can contact the Service Center department via 0345-851 963, via email or the chat function We are happy to help you!


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