De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

Collective Labor Agreement Banks: Negotiation result for minimum pension scheme achieved

March 13 2024

On Friday, March 8, 2024, a negotiation result was reached on the new minimum pension scheme in the Banking Collective Labor Agreement. De Unie has been able to make agreements with the employers' association. You can make these appointments here. .

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Minimum pension schemeg

With these agreements we want to make it possible to adapt pension schemes to the Future Pensions Act (Wtp). The minimum pension scheme logos does not offer adequate pension accrual. It is a basis for a pension scheme. For each affiliated bank, negotiations take place between the employees and the employer about the content of the pension scheme. There is sufficient room to make additional agreements on top of the minimum arrangement that suit the employees and the organization. Accompanying agreements have been made for this consultation. These accompanying agreements have been made to bring the negotiating parties to the same level of knowledge.

  • All participation bodies (works council, PVT and employee meeting) are entitled to professional support.
  • Employees are informed about their rights by the collective labor agreement parties jointly.
  • It has been established that a pension scheme may only be changed if the individual employees have agreed to this.

To vote

The change in the minimum pension scheme means that the current collective labor agreement must be adjusted. That is why we present the agreements made to the members. We advise you to agree to these agreements. The minimum pension scheme is at a higher level than the minimum pension scheme that currently applies to a defined contribution scheme. The members have received an invitation to vote until March 26.


Do you have questions about this message? Or do you have questions about your pension or pension scheme? Please contact the advocate Inge de Vries. This can be done by sending an email to:

Maybe nothing will change for you

Not all pension schemes must be adapted to the Wtp. At many banks, the current pension scheme is a defined contribution scheme. The employer can then choose not to change anything for the current employees. And only agree on a Wtp scheme for new employees.

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