De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

MN: Final collective labor agreement offer increased

December 28 2023

The employer has increased the final offer by half a percent on the structural wage. This requires an explanation that we are happy to provide. In addition, we previously indicated that we would put the employer's final offer to the vote among our members. 

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After the employer had made a final offer, De Unie held two meetings. The last was a physical meeting in the Zilveren Toren on Thursday, December 21, 2023.

Informal consultation

After this meeting, informal consultation took place with the employer. I have indicated the atmosphere in which the meetings took place. That the employees do not see sufficient appreciation in the final offer. The 'remainers' face an uncertain period after 2024 and there is dissatisfaction about the submission of a final offer, which means that the employer was not prepared to continue discussions with the unions to reach a joint negotiating result (consequences of a final offer). This has also been indicated to the employer De Unie the final offer will be put to the vote and there will be no insight into the outcome and any subsequent actions.

The employer informed the unions after Christmas that it would structurally increase the structural increase by another 0,5%. The employer hereby indicates that it wants to emphasize its appreciation to all colleagues.

Where do we stand?

What is now up for vote? And how does that compare? Because there is no negotiation result, but a final offer, we try to answer the second question in particular as objectively as possible.

Summary of the final offer

  1. Duration of collective labor agreement of 1 year.
  2. As of 01-01-2024, a structural increase for everyone of 4,0% (was 3,5%).
  3. As of 01-01-2024, an increase in your salary by gross € 110 / month (for 36 hours and otherwise pro rata. The salary scales increase by € 100 gross at 110 RSP).
  4. One-off payment of gross € 350 (for 36 hours, etc.), provided that the employee is employed on June 1.
  5. As of 01-01-2024 an internet allowance of netto €30/month for all employees.
  6. The home work allowance and the kilometer allowance go up to the fiscal maximum.


This means that someone with a salary of € 5.500 gross / month will make a structural improvement of 6,0%. If someone earns more, he or she will receive marginally less than 6% structurally. If someone earns less than €5.500 gross, he will receive marginally more than 6% structurally. In addition, everyone receives
€30 net.

How does that compare?

What do we see happening globally at similar companies? Given the relationship, we often look first at PGGM. A result of 6,7% per year has been achieved here
January 1st. With a side note that last year you received an average of 1% extra on January 5 and your PGGM colleagues received 1% on July 2,75.

A collective labor agreement with a term of 2 years was recently concluded at AZL. They will receive 4,75% on April 1 and 3,35% the following year on June 1, 2025.

Comparing apples to oranges?

However, it remains difficult to even compare apples with apples. In that sense they are not even like apples, let alone oranges. Every company has its own characteristics. Comparing this with the national average structural wage increases (7,2%) also remains difficult. Or at the average increase within financial business services (5,3% in December). After all, an average is influenced by extremes. We cannot compare your salary with that of the catering industry, which receives up to 12% (!). It therefore remains a personal decision whether you can go along with the final offer.

Objectively speaking, I can only say that the employer is showing its appreciation by increasing the final offer. De Unie is never happy with a final offer, because we like to arrive at a result based on arguments. We would also have liked to see more certainty for those who stay after the year 2024, for example by extending the MN Plan for an additional year. That has not (yet) been achieved. Is that bad? No, it will then become a spearhead for the collective labor agreement for those who stay, for 2025 and beyond. It has already been promised that no one will be made redundant within MN by 2024.

To vote

The members have received an invitation to vote until Thursday January 11, 2024.


For questions you can contact the representative Joop Voesten by e-mail  

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