The Q14 results were announced on Wednesday, February 4. The bank has achieved a strong annual result for 2023. On the same day we also negotiated your new collective labor agreement for the first time. The topics were wages, rewards and appreciation.
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Wages are the most important issue
In our previous consultation we indicated that the structural wage increase is very important for the employees. This is recognized and acknowledged by both the unions and ABN AMRO. That is why we have started negotiations with the structural wage increase.
The bank's wage offer
The bank wants to give a 5% wage increase. That 5% also includes an end-of-year bonus. But the bank also wants to link the percentage to your individual performance. We can still negotiate about the precise details, the bank says. As far as we are concerned, this is a complicated and unclear proposal. ABN AMRO believes this offers a solution for employees who are at the end of their scale. The bank also states that it can tackle the dissatisfaction among employees about rewarding special performance.
What we think of the wage offer
We have indicated that we believe the wage offer is too low and that the structural wage increase is separate from other wage components. In addition, we have included a solution in our proposal letter for employees who are at the end of the scale. We have also indicated that we want to see whether the 0-7% scale progression system is still sufficient and appropriate. As far as we are concerned, these are all separate topics, each with their own dynamics and own solutions. And these are therefore separate from the structural wage increase.
What now
We would like to continue the conversation. But there is a big gap between our wage demand and the bank's wage offer. We have asked the bank to reconsider its offer so that we can continue discussions. The next meeting is scheduled for March 4.
Please forward this email to your colleagues. We believe it is important that as many ABN AMRO employees as possible are aware of the collective labor agreement negotiations. That is also in your interest. Together with as many colleagues as possible, we must inspire the bank to appreciate your efforts. As a Light member you may be eligible to free Compleet member of De Unie to become. Do this quickly and you will soon be able to vote too!
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Yours faithfully,
Harma Pethke