Trade unions are disappointed in ABN AMRO's attitude. 2023 was a fantastic year in which 2,7 billion euros in profit was made and an additional 500 million euros went to shareholders. The prospects for 2024 are also excellent. There are worse times imaginable to negotiate a new collective labor agreement for you. Our main effort this year is to restore the loss of purchasing power of the past two years. We are stuck after four days of negotiations. ABN AMRO continues to demand that we come to the table with a lower wage proposal. We continue to insist on a pay increase that matches the bank's results.
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The offer
ABN AMRO proposes a structural salary increase of 4,5%, in addition to an annual appreciation premium to be earned and a fixed increment to replace the 0-7% scheme.
With this link you can read our previous letter with a detailed explanation and read the offer there. ABN AMRO also proposes a significant deterioration of the social plan (reduction of the transition payment, the elimination of an additional two months' salary and the deletion of the mobility clause).
We want to show the bank that this is not just the story of the unions, but also your story, the story of the employees. We therefore ask you to answer the following question and share this message with as many colleagues as possible.
The question
We are curious about your answer to the question: what does this wage offer do to you?
What now?
We collect your answers anonymously and bundle them into a white paper. The unions will combine the responses and jointly submit them to the Executive Board of ABN AMRO. You can have your answer appearance Friday April 12 let us know digitally through this link. Also forward the link to all your other colleagues. It is important that as many employees as possible let us know what this means to them!
Please forward this message to your colleagues. We believe it is important that as many ABN AMRO employees as possible are informed of the status of the collective labor agreement negotiations. That is also in your interest. Together with all colleagues, we must inspire the bank to appreciate your efforts. Are you not yet a member or are you a light member? Then you may be eligible to become a Complee member for free De Unie to become. Do that here quickly, and you will soon be able to vote too!
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Always be the first to know! Register immediately for our WhatsApp channel “De Unie for ABN AMRO”, we will also keep you directly informed of the latest news in this way. Registering is very easy via this link.
If you have any questions regarding this message, you can contact one of our advocates at harma.pethke@unie.nl of mandy.raijmakers@unie.nl.