De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

CBR: Consultation with CBR management, agenda items from De Unie.

December 01 2023

Many questions are received about the extra bonus that the examiners receive for extra overtime, but not the theory department, for example. This is seen as unfair and, according to many, does not fit in with the idea that everyone within the CBR should be treated equally.

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We have scheduled a periodic meeting with the management on Monday, December 4, 2023. I have asked to put this item on the agenda. We assume that the investigation will also have been completed into whether or not to pay a surcharge for working outside the day window. Then we hope to make clear agreements about this.

The other points that I have put on the agenda are:

  • How is the CBR doing and what are the expectations for 2024?
  • We have included a number of protocol agreements in the collective labor agreement. I think it would be a good idea to draw up a plan for this and staff these “working groups”.

If you have any other topics that you would like to draw attention to, please let us know

Next week I will provide an update on this consultation and the outcomes.


Do you have any questions in the meantime? Then you can contact us by sending an email via or by calling 06-5252 2010.

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