Wages, leave, pension: a lot of topics are discussed during collective labor agreements. What employment conditions and what De Unie concerns are at the top of the agenda, depends mainly on the organization or employers' association where we sit and the wishes of our members there. But in addition, there are a few topics every year that we put extra effort into. Employment conditions policy coordinator Gertjan Tommel and collective advocacy team manager Sjerp Holterman tell us more about the focus of De Unie in 2024 – in addition to the preview of chairman Reinier Castelein.
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An eye for middle incomes
Social security is an important theme, just think of the debates surrounding the last House of Representatives elections. We also notice at negotiating tables that a salary increase is a... hot topics is. We look at inflation - how much have prices risen over a certain period - but especially at purchasing power pictures: how much has the disposable income of different groups increased compared to last year?
Most attention is paid to the lowest wages. Many Dutch people have serious financial worries, so of course we support an increase in the statutory minimum wage. If you work 40 hours a week and earn the minimum wage, you will receive more than 1 percent more since January 15. We think that's really good. We only say, and as one of the few: do not wrongly assume that those who earn a little more do not need help. The largest group of workers earns more than the minimum wage, on average between € 2.275 and € 5.600 gross per month. They fall under the middle incomes. This group has declined by about 2021 percent since 2. Where they could buy 100 loaves of bread at the time, there are now only 98 – or even less, if they have not had the average wage increase of 16,4 percent in the meantime.
Raise the whole salary house, not just the foundation
Many collective labor agreement increases in cents have been agreed in recent years. Together with the increase in the statutory minimum wage, this depresses the entire salary structure. A job with more responsibilities no longer automatically leads to more disposable income. Our commitment for 2024: no increases hundredbut percentages. Middle income earners are seen as strong shoulders that can bear heavy burdens. But someone who falls under a collective labor agreement does not, by definition, have the strongest shoulders. So will the lowest salaries increase? Then the middle wages must also be included. In other words: raise the entire salary house, not just the foundation. That is what we work hard for at negotiating tables.
Only if all wages rise equally will purchasing power be maintained for all income groups. In recent years this has been successful for the lowest incomes, and that was also necessary. But now it is the turn of middle income earners. If that does not work, middle incomes will come under pressure. Rather: further to be under pressure. Because the increased costs for groceries, energy and sustainability measures are also hitting them hard - while there are little to no subsidies, allowances or other compensation in return. They have to make choices now. In the long term, this could harm our entire country. Because do they spend less, for example in the shopping street, catering industry, hardware store or car dealer? Then sand gets into the engine of the entire economy.
Working (more) must pay off
Published in Elsevier Weekblad on September 14, 2022 an article entitled 'Why the tax authorities in particular benefit from working more'. They calculate that a teacher who works an extra day will only gain €69. And if an average employee in the Metal and Electrical sector earns 5,25 percent more in 2024, he will only have € 200 in disposable income of the € 15 gross extra per month. That difference is due to the marginal tax burden. For people earning €3.700, this will be 2024 percent in 91. This means: for every extra euro you earn, you only keep 9 cents. You lose the rest in taxes, premiums and fewer allowances.
There is still a huge staff shortage in most sectors, and more and more people are experiencing financial worries. It would make a difference to many parties if people worked more. But if that hardly pays off, why would you? We want to do something about this marginal tax burden. With better agreements in collective labor agreements, but also by influencing legislation: through the Trade Union Center for Professionals (VCP), we are also committed to middle-income groups in The Hague.
More security for disabled people
We also make a special effort to help people who are completely disabled - around 150.000 people in the Netherlands. They actually retain a lot less of their income than working people. People who work benefit from the labor tax credit: a tax credit of up to €5.532 with which the government wants to make work pay. In addition, any benefits will be based on your last earned salary, up to a maximum annual salary of € 71.628,84. If you earned more, you may suddenly experience a significant drop in your net income. That is why we try to make agreements in collective labor agreements about (broader) disability insurance and to influence legislation so that disabled people are also entitled to an employment discount.
Maximum contribution for pension
Another topic that will logically be discussed a lot in the coming period is the new pension system. As our pension colleagues wrote earlier, the new legislation creates frameworks within which employers' associations, employers and social partners make concrete agreements. For example, it has already been determined that the tax-free pension contribution may not exceed 30 percent of your pensionable salary. We are committed to making full use of that space. In this way, people ultimately have the most left over - as far as we are concerned, also a form of social security, but for later.
Enough attention for the individual
Ultimately, we want to help you take control of your career and get the most out of it. We offer you the right resources by working for favorable collective labor agreements. For example, about your salary and pension, but also about additional services, such as career coaching and financial insight. Moreover, we ensure that the quality is high and that you can make good use of it. If you can regularly call on career coaches or financial advisors, you will gain the insight to make informed decisions about your career. For example, to change jobs, work one day less or retire early.
Of course, we are a union. This means that we work with united forces for the collective – because together you are stronger. But what sets us apart is that we also pay a lot of attention to the individual. We offer tailor-made and individual services, in addition to our collective efforts. We really believe in that combination. And the best part is: we notice that our story is becoming more and more appealing. Our membership number has been growing rapidly over the past year and a half. As far as we are concerned, we will continue on exactly the same footing in 2024!