De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

ICK: Collective labor agreement negotiation result

December 15 2023

On December 12, 2023, we spoke with the employers about the ICK collective labor agreement. At an earlier stage, the members indicated that they would like to see some movement among employers. They would like to see a better offer for the new collective labor agreement.

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In terms of content, the consultation of December 12 did not lead to an improved offer. Employers do agree to tackle companies that do not act in the spirit of the collective labor agreement regarding the increase when granting individual salary increases. This gives employees who fall under this collective labor agreement more certainty that they will actually receive the agreed increase. We have reached a negotiated outcome on most points.

Job and reward structure

There are still some important differences in the adjustment of the job and remuneration structure. Employers have had a proposal drawn up by an external party. Further testing by our specialists showed that there are still fundamental flaws in that proposal. It has been agreed that our specialists and those of the employer will consult with each other at the beginning of January. The negotiators and specialists from the trade unions and employers will then formally finalize this subject, so that the modernized job and salary structure will be included in the new collective labor agreement. We will then submit the full negotiation result to our members for a vote, hopefully before the end of January 2024.

For the time being, we want to ask our members what they think about the results of the negotiations so far. That is why we invite the members to a joint employee MS Teams meeting on Thursday, December 21 at 19:30 PM.

We would have liked to include the results of the consultation and the negotiation results with this message, but unfortunately these are not yet available. We will send this next week.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact the representative Gerard van der Lit at or call 06-5252 2010.

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