De Unie, in jouw belang

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ING: Negotiations on the new pension scheme

23 april 2024

De Unie conducted a survey among its members and their colleagues to determine what best suits ING employees. A pension scheme based on the Flexible Premium Scheme (FPR) or a pension scheme based on the Solidarity Premium Scheme (SPR).

Do you want to know what De Unie is focusing on in the pension negotiations? You can read it below (Nederlandse versie klik hier).

Survey results

De Unie conducted a survey among members and their colleagues to determine what best suits ING employees. A pension plan based on the flexible premium scheme (FPR) or a pension plan based on the solidarity premium scheme (SPR).

Do you want to know what De Unie-members prefer? You can read it below.

First choice: FPR

Two points of view are important for our decision.

First: the expected outcomes of the two contract forms. At De Unie’s request, model-based trial calculations were made by the steering committee preparing the negotiations. These calculations show that the FPR contract achieves slightly better results than can be expected with the SPR contract. It is likely that the model can still be improved slightly, so that both contracts arrive at similar pension results. No final conclusion for either contract form follows from this.

Second, the results of the survey. The vast majority of members of De Unie consider it (very) important to be able to make their own choices. For De Unie this is decisive, only in the flexible premium scheme is it possible to offer choice options.

What do members think?

De Unie conducted a survey to help identify what fits best for members. The solidarity premium scheme or the flexible premium scheme.

The majority of respondents think it is important to have choices.

People are unanimous when asked about the importance of being able to receive a pension in the form of a fixed benefit.

  • 79% find this (very) important.
  • Only 5% find this unimportant

The same goes for the possibility of being able to determine your own risk preference.

  • Almost 73% find this important or very important.
  • Less than 10% find this unimportant.

For the two other questions, members’ preference also clearly goes in the direction of the flexible premium scheme.

Influence on investment policy

  • 62% find it (very) important that they can make their own choices regarding investments.
  • 15% find this (very) unimportant

Having influence on the level of the premium

  • 58% find it (very) important
  • 20% find it (very) unimportant



There was room in the survey to pass along comments. Members have very different expectations of their new pension plan. And information is in high demand.

Some members argue passionately for the most collective pension plan possible. Others are not satisfied with the choice options mentioned because they still perceive the choice options as too limited.

What is striking is the larger number of members/employees who indicate that they are not at all in favor of the new Pensions Act (Wtp) or are against “invaren”.

Want to know more about pensions?

The Union has organized three information sessions. During these meetings, we discussed relevant issues regarding the design of a new pension scheme. Would you like to review it again? You can do so below for the various topics:



The new Pensions Act (Wtp) indicates that the preferred route is for the assets already accrued to be transferred to the new pension plan (invaren). Only if it is not possible to carry out this transfer in a balanced way, parties may opt out. But then the pension fund must be closed. The “invaar” process can be carried out in a balanced manner at the ING-CDC pension fund (ICP). It cannot be ruled out that the Wtp may still be amended. We will of course keep a close eye on this during the negotiations.

Compensation for abolition of the average system

The survey also included a question about compensation for the abolition of the average system. This puts the middle-aged group at a disadvantage. The Wtp prescribes that this group must be adequately compensated. The response to this question was very divided. And many respondents said they wanted more information on this subject. We will take care of that.

How to proceed

De Unie is now drafting a proposal letter for the pension negotiations. We will submit this proposal letter in draft form to our members. After that, the negotiations can begin.


Always be the first to know! Register immediately for our WhatsApp group “De Unie @ ING”, and we will keep you informed of the latest news via this route. Registering is very easy.


Do you have any questions regarding this message, or do you have information that is important for De Unie. Please contact the advocate Inge de Vries by sending an email to:

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