De Unie, in your interest


Do you work at the UWV?

Then you probably want to stay informed about the latest developments regarding your pension at the UWV.

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The Future Pensions Act (Wtp) introduces new rules for pension accrual of UWV employees. This means that social partners (trade unions and employers) must make joint agreements on various aspects. De Unie, together with other trade unions and UWV, has been working on this for more than a year.

The main topics are:

  • New pension scheme for UWV employees
  • Compensation scheme
  • Transfer of accrued pension rights to the new scheme (transfer)
  • Distribution of reserves in the UWV pension fund

These agreements are recorded in a so-called Transition Plan.

Members' resolution

De Unie will submit this transition plan to the members (with full or additional membership) for a vote from 22 November 2024.

Join now De Unie!


Current collective labor agreement UWV

8 reasons to join now De Unie

  • Participation in the UWV collective labor agreement
  • Legal advice and support
  • Insight into your pension
  • Help and advice with your benefit
  • Free coaching
  • Handy calculation tools & sample letters
  • Exclusive member benefits
  • Newsletter


  • Inge de Vries
  • 06 52 52 20 91

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