The Members' Council is the highest democratic body De Unie. It determines, among other things, the budget and annual figures and monitors the implementation of trade union policy. The term of office of the members of the current Members' Council [and its committees] expires next year and elections will therefore take place in February 2024.
We are looking for candidates for this important position. Do you want to contribute to the further development of De Unie then put yourself forward as a candidate.
There are some requirements for the candidates, namely:
- Have strategic insight at demonstrable HBO work or thinking level
- Being able to think creatively to approach complex matter more simply
- Actively participate in the meeting and prepare yourself for this
- The story of De Unie can tell
- Administrative experience is an advantage
There are at least three meetings of the Members' Council per year and at least three committee meetings. These take place during the day in Culemborg. Please note that, excluding preparation time, you must be available for approximately 8 half-days per year.
The procedure provides (first of all) for an interview with the election committee and an assessment from mid-November 2023 and then a "trial Members' Council meeting". This way you can become acquainted with the work of the Members' Council and both parties can assess whether a candidacy has a chance of success.
The elections take place via the internet according to the one-man-one-vote principle. The 11 candidates with the most votes have been elected.
The elected members will be installed during the April 4, 2024 congress. The board and the other members council members will then be further acquainted with the board and the other members council during a two-day members council, including an overnight stay on April 10 and 11, 2024. During these two days you will be well prepared for member council work, so that you can make your contribution in the coming years.
Do you recognize yourself in this profile? Then submit your candidacy before October 28, 2023 by email to the official secretary of De Unie via harry.van.herpen@unie.nl with a short motivation.