De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

Hague Living: Voting result

April 06, 2022

In this newsletter I, representative Emanuel Geurts, inform you about the outcome of the vote on the social plan that we have negotiated with Haag Wonen.



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Social plan vote

The members of the trade unions were able to express their views on the social plan for the intended quality improvement of Haag Wonen. The members of De Unie voted in favor of this social plan. The members of FNV Woondiensten and CNV Vakmensen also agree.

The follow-up is now that the social plan is signed by the parties involved and then made available within Haag Wonen. This will take place this month.


Do you have any questions or do you want to share something with me? I can be reached by email at and by telephone on 06-5252 2074. If you have an individual question or need advice, please contact our Service Center via or by telephone on 0345-851 963. We are happy to help you!



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