De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

Contract catering: Pension, collective labor agreement and RVU

12 September 2022

We are now negotiating your pension scheme, but a lot depends on new legislation from The Hague. The good news is that we are extending the RVU (Early Retirement Scheme) scheme.  

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On Friday, September 2, 2022, employers and trade unions in the hospitality industry and contract catering held consultations about the new pension contract to be chosen. During the consultation, we came up with a number of basic principles. Below is the summary.

  • The new scheme is based on the solidary contract and is at least equivalent to the current scheme and where possible better.
  • Payments to pensioners can be nominally protected from year to year as much as possible. Pensioners have little or no opportunity to anticipate a fall in income.
  • Pension premium is intended for the personal pension capital. The solidarity reserve is formed from excess returns and is used to protect the benefits to pension beneficiaries in nominal terms as much as possible. This means that the solidarity reserve can be limited in size.
  • Keeping pension technology such as allocation rules and project returns and pension administration simple through the use of the payroll tax return chain.
  • In general, sailing in is in the interest of the participants and the new pension system with sailing in means that hardly any compensation is necessary, but where things get rough, participants can be compensated.

At the end of September we will discuss the solidarity reserve, the method of allocating returns to age groups, and we will share insights about a new survivor's pension. In October, the topics of incapacity for work and possible compensation criteria are on the agenda. At the beginning of November, we will discuss the investment policy to be pursued, the projection returns to be used, allocation rules and cost reserve with the board of the pension fund. At the end of November we want to agree on the pension scheme to be implemented and present it to the various supporters. An important condition is that the legislative process has been completed.


The negotiation result was presented to you in April of this year. After that, the vote was taken and it was announced in May that the members had agreed. Because we have made agreements about contract catering, hospitality and inflight, we are taking longer than usual to translate these agreements into new collective labor agreement texts. We have already had several meetings of the text committees and we are now approaching the end. We are committed to reaching a conclusion at the end of September or the beginning of October.


From the start of the Early Retirement Scheme (RVU) in April 2021 until July 1, 2022, 308 employees have applied. Of these, 143 have been granted and 6 applications are still being processed. Since there is still sufficient money in the fund, the parties to the collective labor agreement have decided to extend the RVU scheme until 1 April 2024. Do you fall under the collective agreement for contract catering and are you a maximum of 36 months before your state pension date? Then you can apply for an RVU benefit and possibly stop working earlier. The benefit period of the RVU is a maximum of 36 months. There is no minimum duration. Would you like to know more about the scheme? Then look at


If you want to respond to this message, you can reach me via 06-5252 2074 or via For individual advice you can contact my colleagues from the Service Center department via 0345-851 963, via email or the chat function We are happy to help you!



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