De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

CBR: New collective labor agreement a fact

March 21 2022
CBR De Unie

The members of the trade unions have agreed to the collective agreement. The new collective labor agreement is now a fact, congratulations. There is not much time to rest. Part of the collective labor agreement is that we discuss several themes with each other. These themes will affect everyone. The examiners, but also the other 66% employees at the CBR. So also your terms of employment. Fortunately there is De Unie. A trade union that stands up for all employees within the CBR. But we do need your input. You know better than anyone what any adjustments to the collective labor agreement will mean for you. Regardless of your age or which department you work in. Use your influence and join De Unie† Any member of De Unie is heard!

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Which themes will it be overhauled in the next collective labor agreement on the basis of the collective labor agreement if it is up to the CBR?

  • All allowances go on the shovel if it is up to the CBR. Do we want this and how?
  • The new 80-90-100 Control† Do we want to keep it or is it a line?
  • Extension or adjustment of the widening of the day window† Do you like the arrangement? Can it apply to the entire organization or does it have to be reversed? Do we go and do we want the extend opening hours?
  • For the management layer. The CBR wants more involvement, stimulating employees, developing change adaptability and agility. Do you want this too and if so, how?
  • The CBR wants you; are mentally and physically fit, are involved in the organization and their colleagues and who work across the boundaries of their own division/department on one CBR. A beautiful sentence. What does this mean and what role do you see for yourself?
  • Another thing no one can argue with. The CBR wants everyone to work on; een healthy lifestyle, working on your personal development, lifelong learning† How are we going to give substance to this and what freedom and resources will you get or will you need for that? And the main question is; do you actually see this?
  • We are also going to talk about the strategic course† An excellent moment to De Unie discuss the strategy of the CBR.
  • See the appendix to the collective labor agreement on the intranet: Additional agreements between management and trade unions.

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Enough reasons to join De Unie en become a member† If you really want to exert more influence, than now. The CBR will pay your contribution for the first year anyway. We will be organizing meetings until mid-2023 to enter into discussions together so that we can conduct the negotiations well prepared for the next negotiations. As a member of De Unie can you decide on that.


If you have any questions or comments, you can email the representative Gerard van der Lit via or via Whatsapp 06-5252 2010.



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