De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

Allianz: social plan

November 01 2021

Some time ago, I, representative Inge de Vries, informed you that the negotiations about the new social plan had been temporarily halted. Allianz has now contacted again De Unie. They want to resume talks. In an initial online conversation, we discussed where we had gotten stuck in the negotiations.

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Most of the negotiations had in fact already been completed. De Unie and the employer still disagree about the amount of the severance payment. Allianz wants to base itself on the transition payment as it is now in the law. It is true that Allianz is willing to include a multiplier. But the basis of this calculation (transition payment 2021) is very much lower than the basis of the current social plan (article 5.1.2).

As a result, the severance pay would be considerably lower than in accordance with the severance pay that is now included in the social plan. On the other hand, Allianz's current social plan is significantly better than what is usual in the industry.


De Unie faces the challenge of keeping the severance pay at a level that is not much lower than what Allianz employees are used to. If we reach an agreement in the negotiations, De Unie present this result to the members.


Do you have any questions regarding this message? Please contact me. You can reach me by sending an email to:



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