De Unie, in your interest

Composition of the 2024 Members' Council

Monique van Eijkelenburg

Unfortunately, I have been in the WIA/WGA for a number of years, after working full-time in advocacy for 40 years.

I worked for from 1990 to 1994 De Unie as spokesperson/press officer. I experienced this as very intensive and very educational and fascinating. Of course, I always keep myself informed of developments De Unie and on social and economic issues that are current and relevant in politics.

Now I volunteer according to my capabilities. As board experience, I can indicate that I was a board member of St. Autipassend Onderwijs Utrecht for 7 years and that I have been administratively involved with St. Mama Vita for more than 10 years now.

Rick Landa

My name is Rick Landa and I currently work at Rabobank in Utrecht in the position of Director Corporate Risk & Treasury Management / Financial Markets. I am currently chairman of the Executive Members Group of De Unie at Rabobank. I have been a member of the Rabobank Works Council and the European Works Council for 8 years.

I am expected to take early retirement on July 1, 2024. I then have enough time to work on important matters and share my knowledge and experience. I think that as a member of the Members' Council I can bring added value to the members of De Unie and the board to represent all the different interests and to De Unie to draw more attention.

Marco Hoogendam

I have been working at ARAG Legal Assistance since 2007 in the position of employed lawyer.

I was a member of the Works Council from 2009 to 2022. I have been a member of the European Works Council since 2011 to date. And from 2012 to now, I have been an employee commissioner on the German Supervisory Board of Arag SE.

I would like to contribute to a trade union that enables good consultation between employer and employee at all levels.

David Vega

My goal as a Light member is to strengthen the connection and interaction between our members and work together on innovative solutions that benefit us all. I strongly believe in innovating our approach to ensure that we not only tackle the challenges of today, but also proactively respond to the future. With your support, I want to build a bridge between tradition and innovation, always emphasizing our common interests and well-being.

Cindy Hoving-Rossen

My name is Cindy Hoving Rossen. I have been chairman of the North Netherlands Circle for a number of years and recently also chairman of the Circle Council. As a result, I have been given a quality seat in the members' council.

Previously, I worked in financial services and held various positions at ABN Amro and Zwitserleven.

In recent years, the Union has taken a new path. As a member of the members' council, it is a great challenge for me to pay a lot of attention to this and to monitor this process. Connecting is very important to me. I feel that we as a society have to take steps in this regard. De Unie would and I feel is taking a pioneering role in this, this is what sets us apart in trade union country.

Jeroen Konings

I have worked in Research my entire working life. After working at DSM for a few years, I was elected to the DSM works council. I have had various roles in DSM's internal consultation for almost 20 years, including the last 5 years on the executive board of the Central Works Council.

In 2017, our research group was converted into an independent R&D company where I worked until July 2023.

My basic attitude is that I am broadly interested in social developments. I am sharp, critical, but above all constructive and collaborative.

Frank in Kloese

After a 38-year career within Rabobank (including as an individual advocate, member of the Works Council and executive member / member of the collective labor agreement negotiation delegation on behalf of De Unie) and various administrative positions within De Unie (including 10 years as a member of the then administrative council and the main board). I have put myself forward as a candidate for the Members' Council for a second period.

In my role as a member council member, I would like to contribute and ensure that this remains the case in the near future.

Tom Dalenberg

De Unie is a trade union that encourages, helps members and stands up for their interests.

De Unie does this in its own way, but always fueled by the wishes of the members.

As a member of the Members' Council, I will monitor this and, if necessary, encourage the board to do the right thing.

Jeroen Jonker

This year I have been working in the HRM/Payroll administration profession for 34 years. I worked at Visma|Raet for 15 years and have run my own company in the HR field with my wife since 2015. I have done assignments for several large companies, including: VDL, Porsche Centrum Gelderland, Ten Cate Grass, Tata Steel, Kliko, BDO,, Topigs Norsvin, and so I also have a good insight into what is happening in BV Netherlands.

Member for over 20 years De Unie, and as a self-employed person De Unie I notice that one of the few parties that cares about that group.

I would like to use my knowledge and experience in the members' council and, where possible, help the board to maintain the upward trend.

Felix Carpenter

I am a board member of the Central and Eastern Circle. The most important points I want to focus on are:

  • promoting the direction and continuity of our association. Monitoring and implementing the strategic direction of De Unie and adjust if necessary.
  • think about long-term vision with the involvement of members and other relevant stakeholders.
  • strive for financial stability and transparency to ensure continuity De Unie to ensure.

By considering these points of interest and actively contributing ideas, I believe that we can strengthen the association and guarantee its direction and continuity.

Menno Duin

The recent increase in the number of members indicates the necessity of its existence De Unie On. Now that the world is adrift, a beacon is in the form of De Unie necessary in other words: “United we stand, together we do not fall”. I would like to contribute to this.