De Unie, in your interest


News about CBR

CBR: Grid problem solved!

In response to our letter to the management, several consultations have taken place, with our executive Martin van Straten…

CBR: Agreement collective agreement?

We have reached a negotiating agreement on the collective labor agreement at the CBR. We submit this agreement to you with a positive voting advice…

CBR: Update collective bargaining

This week we again negotiated with the management about your new collective labor agreement. As usual, they are complicated…

CBR: Update collective bargaining

  Last Tuesday, April 18, 2023, we sat down again with the management to come to a new collective labor agreement. It was a…

CBR: collective bargaining agreement

Given all the messages on the intranet and the survey, you will not have missed it: the collective labor agreement negotiations for your collective labor agreement stand for…

De Unie at CBR

De Unie represents all groups of employees within the CBR and does not focus on specific groups. After all, there is only one collective labor agreement! De Unie is therefore the largest CBA party on the employees' side at the CBR. Together with our executives, we do our utmost to represent the interests of our members as well as possible.

Staff meetings

We regularly organize staff meetings to discuss the state of affairs within the CBR with members, but also non-members. This is how members at the front exert influence and become involved in their union. And our members can always contact us for advice, assistance or just a question or comment.

Contact with CBR executives

De Unie has a very active group of executives. The framework group, chaired by Martin van Straten, meets at least four times a year to discuss developments in the field of employment conditions and of course the collective labor agreement. A number of executives are also active within the CBR works council, so that: De Unie is also heard in internal participation. The permanent delegation during the consultations with the CBR management is formed by executives Martin van Straten and Jeroen Nijssen and interest representative Gerard van der Lit.
