De Unie, in your interest

Your work and income

Incapacitated for work? Avoid a pension gap!

February 14 2023

If you leave employment due to disability, your pension accrual will usually continue. You do not have to pay a pension contribution for this. This is called 'contribution waiver in the event of disability' and prevents a pension shortfall. To be eligible for this scheme, it is important that your disability has been properly processed. The following case study shows why.

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The situation

An employee's employment was terminated after two years of illness due to permanent incapacity for work. The employer reported the dismissal to the pension fund, but did not state the reason. The employee died a few months later. His wife was not eligible for a benefit from the extra death insurance. She would have received it if the pension fund had known that he was incapacitated for work. But now he was no longer entitled to non-contributory accrual, so the extra life insurance was not maintained. Nevertheless, the pension fund acted correctly, but on the basis of the wrong information. That is why it is so important that employers provide the correct information. Through mediation De Unie Fortunately, the widow still received the benefit.

So check carefully whether all the information is correct

If the files of pension funds and insurers were linked to those of the UWV, situations like this would not occur. But until then, we recommend the following. Does your employment end due to incapacity for work? Then check carefully whether your employer passes this on correctly to the pension fund. You asked so, and can prevent a lot of misery.

More information

Do you have questions about disability, termination of your employment or your pension accrual? Feel free to contact us. Our Service Center can be reached every working day from 8.30:17.00 am to XNUMX:XNUMX pm via en (0345) 851 963.

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