In this message we inform you about the ongoing negotiations for a new collective labor agreement for health insurers. On Thursday September 12th there was an extra round of negotiations.
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CLA negotiations
During the previous round of negotiations on September 3rd last, we concluded that an additional round would actually be necessary before the last planned date of September 19, 2024. That became Thursday, September 12. In this round of negotiations, we did not discuss wages and duration. We did, however, go through the draft texts of the other topics discussed, such as the wage gap research, vital employees, sustainable employability, women's health in the workplace, scope, informal care, disability pension, the inclusion of the new pension scheme in the collective labor agreement and finally the collective labor agreement booklet itself. The discussion on this subject was constructive and in a good atmosphere. Employers are going to work with the texts.
In the discussions about the texts, we have included the feedback received about the RVU / heavy professions and generation pact scheme. Employers maintain their position that the RVU does not belong in the collective labor agreement as a collective right, but they do not rule out the RVU in individual situations. However, the emphasis is more on getting employees to the finish fit. For example, there will be the possibility for (older) employees to spread the time from the current sabbatical leave over 30 months. This was also a suggestion received from the supporters, which can therefore be applied very well.
Looking forward
We now only have Thursday 19 September 2024 in the agenda. As a precaution, the evening has also been reserved. The parties seem to want to reach an agreement with each other. Whether this will succeed depends on the last outstanding points such as wages, duration, the draft texts and a few as yet unmentioned points from the various letters of intent. The members will receive an update from us shortly afterwards with the answer to the question of whether we have succeeded in closing the deal. To be continued soon!
What do you think?
We are curious about your views on the current state of affairs. Send a message to the advocate Emanuel Geurts before September 19, 2024 via You can also reach him on telephone number 06-5252 2074.