De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

Insurance companies: Where do we stand in the negotiations?

November 13 2024

In this message we inform you about the third round of negotiations for a new collective labor agreement.

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We are taking steps

We have had the penultimate round of negotiations and the question is where do we stand in the negotiations? The short and sweet answer is that we have made progress, but we are not there yet. The progress that we have made is just barely in the area of ​​wages and duration.

Good hope

We expect to reach an agreement on the minimum hourly wage, a study of the gender pay gap, exchanging a holiday for a non-Christian holiday, development policy, a study of AI, 5 May, informal care, a career switch scheme and other leave schemes. We are confident that we will be able to find a suitable compromise on travel allowances, indexation of disability pensions, additional and overtime work and a study of working time reduction and the organisation of work.

Wage and term difficult

It is downright difficult on wages and duration; the employers want the longest possible duration and we want a short one. The duration also has a relationship with the wage that is offered. If the wage offer is high, a longer duration is possible and vice versa.

The employers propose 3% as of 1 January 2025 with a term of 18 months. Their argument is the falling inflation, the price of the entire package (extra day and increase of DI budget and minimum wage of 16 euros per hour), pain for the employers and certainly for the life insurers who cannot increase their prices. Finally, the employers attach importance to their policy freedom for individual remuneration.

The unions responded that this was insufficient to achieve a serious movement on our part. We then extended the invitation to really get down to business with each other in the coming round.

Last round

Monday 9 December 2024 is the fourth and final round. Then we will know whether we will reach an agreement on wages, duration and the other themes. We will do our best to present you with a negotiation result afterwards. So to be continued.

What do you think?

We are interested in your opinion on the progress of the negotiations. Would you please pass this on to the advocate before December 9 via Then we can still include your input in the negotiations.

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The advocate Emanuel Geurts can be reached by email at and by telephone on 06-5252 2074. Do you have an individual question or need personal advice? Please contact our Service Center via or by telephone on 0345-851 963. We are happy to help you!

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