De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

UWV: Explanation member meeting De Unie

March 03 2023

The negotiators' result, which was announced on Tuesday, February 28, has been received mixed. Due to the time pressure, there was no opportunity to write a detailed explanation.

The letter indicates that this result is comparable to the results of other collective labor agreements that are currently being agreed. This is not understood by all members. Collective labor agreement results are occasionally published in the newspaper that seem very good. What is not mentioned is that the structural salary increase will partly be paid later in the contract. Or that salary components are included that do not apply to everyone. However, the question of whether this UWV negotiator result is sufficient or not is answered by the members. A vote has been taken for this.

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What does not help in the image is that UWV presents the negotiation result as a token of appreciation on the part of UWV. That's not it. Many employees, including members of De Unie, feel very let down by the negotiating result. What also does not help is that the negotiators' result is drawn up in legal terms, which creates misunderstandings about what exactly it says.

Member meeting

De Unie organizes one online members meeting Tuesday, March 7 from 18.30:20.00 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. at the latest hour. Actually, there was a three-quarter ballot on this date, open only to those with full membership. We have now changed this meeting to an informational meeting open to all members. I will explain the process at the members' meeting. And of course there is room for members to give their opinion, ask questions and discuss with each other. The members have received an invitation to participate in the meeting.

Questions from members

There are many questions from members. Among other things, about the structural salary increase and the vitality pact. Here you can read the most frequently asked questions and the answer. If there are questions about other subjects, we will supplement this and post it on the website De Unie:

Explanation term negotiator result

It is also unclear to many people whether or not a collective labor agreement has been concluded. This is not (yet) the case. We are happy to explain what a negotiator result entails.

A negotiating result is not the same as an agreement in principle. An agreement in principle indicates that all parties have been able to sufficiently agree on their commitment. A negotiator result indicates that the parties have reached more compromises than they would like, but that they consider it sufficient to submit to the members so that they can determine whether it is sufficient. What we are presenting now is a negotiating result. The negotiating delegation conducts the consultations. But the members determine whether the delegation has done a good job, they are the highest body of the association. That's why I'm asking you to vote on it negotiator result. As long as no vote has been taken, this result is not final. By presenting this result to the members, we are continuing the democratic process of De Unie in operation.


A lot of work had already been done to set up a central action committee and to set up decentralized action committees. Many members have signed up for this and they have done a good job of involving and enthusing colleagues. Trade unions also ask them not to end the activities yet because it is not certain whether this negotiating result will lead to a collective labor agreement. Moreover, it is good to share with you that we would never have received the offer that we have now, if this had not happened. And if this offer turns out not to be enough for the majority of members, we will continue that process. This negotiator result was the maximum that can be presented in negotiations and with the possible pressure of actions. The next step is up to the members.


If you have any questions, please contact the representative Inge de Vries by sending an e-mail to: and come to the meeting on Tuesday, March 7 from 18.30:20.00 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. at the latest.

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