De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

UWV: UWV CAO consultations will continue on 16 January 2023

January 04 2023
UWV collective labor agreement De Unie

Now the christmas and the New years eve eight the back are, become the negotiations about this de UWV collective agreement arrested again. Unfortunately it is did not success om about this the end from 2022 a good collective agreement to finish Close. This was not successful because UWV indicates did not More moss te can not be purchased offer and 4% structural raise and UWV de travel allowance maar limited wil to increase.

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It is important to UWV a clearly signal te give that trade unions called the big majority of Staff members to speak. Therefore heeft De Union, semen with the others trade unions a petition stand out. This petition want to we at 16 2023 offer to the Council of The board.

Petition to draw

do you have the petition al signed? Almost 9.000 Staff members to have in the meantime have an updated handtekening put, January of trade unions and their colleagues† How More people to draw how more powerful de message to the UWV is. Through the sign of this petition question you the Council of The board from UWV for a higher salary offer and for one better expense reimbursement. Do you or you want colleagues have an updated handtekening also put? Which can here. Sign is still possible to full-scale Thursday 12 2023.

Comments of January

De past weeks to have many January de time taken om De Unie te mail. The involvement of January at this collective labor agreement negotiations is bad large. All nice to this brands. Each keer if it topic raise in the news is coming then this cause about this January Building react.

  • many January to have contact included to cause of pronunciation of Glass Knot, the director of the Dutch Bank. He heeft employers summoned around salaries structural te to increase en gives to that too necessary is about this de economie. He makes a exception about this industries that hard touched Worden by cost increases. But make falls the UWV did not onder.
  • Also the message given by salaries of civil servants of the EU with 7% rise was about this many January a talk to get in touch nemen.

Some January are very combative, she give at herself did not appreciated te to feel. In want to did not weer pleasure nemen immediately skinny negotiation resultBut others January point on the public task of the UWV and how we can help your given by benefit claimants en others clients not hindrance be allowed to experience of dissatisfaction at UWV.

How further

Op Monday 16 2023 offer de trade unions de petition at. It is then up to UWV to react. Of course I hope that UWV listens to de own Staff members. Once again, hoe More signatures how more convincing Wed signal is. After 16 2023, members will be informed about the progress from the consultation.


If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact the representative, Inge de Vries, at



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