Until January 15, 2025, members with a Complete or Extra membership could vote on the new collective labor agreement. In this message, we will take you through the result. But we do not want to keep you in suspense any longer. The negotiation result was voted in favor of, and as a result, there is a new collective labor agreement as of January 1, 2025.
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On 23 December 2024 and 9 January 2025, we called on members with a Complete or Extra membership to cast their vote via our newsletters. This was responded to en masse. A large majority (80%) voted in favour of the result. This means there is sufficient support among our members. As of 1 January, a collective labour agreement will therefore apply retroactively.
A number of members have added weight to their vote by adding a comment. Among those who voted in favour, these comments ranged from: 'fine, didn't expect it' to: 'it's on the edge and I actually wanted to vote against it'. But most are positive.
20% voted against and the reactions were often less tender. From: 'completely insufficient', to: 'my specific point was not achieved'.
In the coming period we will further analyze the reactions and see what we can do with them. After all, a single reaction is perhaps more valuable than the obvious reactions with the same meaning.
What next? The employees will already benefit from this result with the January payments. After that, we will continue to work for your employment conditions. There are interesting files in the pipeline. In the negotiation result, you can here read back which topics we are going to prepare for the current year. That is then input for the collective labor agreement negotiations for 2026 and beyond.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the advocate Joop Voesten via joop.voesten@unie.nl