On September 23, the collective labor agreement negotiations at ING will start. With only three weeks to go, the executives and lobbyists of De Unie working hard to prepare the meeting properly.
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In this message we provide our feedback on the third survey, the research into Training and development opportunities in the ING collective labor agreement.
Wage Question Survey
The fourth survey on the wage question is still open. Have you completed this survey yet? This is still possible here. until Thursday, September 5, 2024. Please alert your colleagues to this message and ask them to complete the survey.
Feedback Survey Training and Development Opportunities
Importance of training and development
Training and development is an important employment condition in the collective labor agreement. In order to maintain a perspective on work, within ING or outside, it is important to continue working on your work value. Does ING offer the training and development opportunities that you need? De Unie The Training and Development Opportunities survey investigated whether ING employees consider the collective labor agreement to be appropriate on this point.
Survey results
Are you curious about the results of the research? The results of the survey can be found here here. read. In front of De Unie This survey will provide input for the upcoming collective labor agreement negotiations.
Main findings
The survey Training and development opportunities indicates that this employment condition is currently not sufficiently set up. ING says it provides a large budget. But unfortunately, the reaction of many employees is that they cannot follow the training that they themselves consider necessary. Employees indicate that they want to develop themselves. But there are many obstacles: administrative challenges at ING, there does not seem to be a budget for everyone, the workload is high. This can and must be improved.
De Unie draws the following conclusion from this research into training and development:
- The learning account is not sufficient. The credit on the learning account is money from employees, if they cannot spend it usefully, the collective labor agreement should offer another instrument. Budget that is not used for five years is returned to ING by the learning account.
- The My learning offer focuses too much on e-learning and offers insufficient opportunities for in-depth knowledge acquisition. The survey shows that there is a need for physical training and more specialized training.
- The availability of budget for training and development is insufficiently transparent.
- Employees lack guidance. This task is assigned to the managers. De Unie wants to investigate how managers are trained to perform this task well. Because in the survey we see that the stimulation and motivation is appreciated by managers. In addition, we see that employees who want to focus on a training aimed at a career step outside ING, do not always want to discuss this with their own lead.
Do you have questions about this message? Please contact us. This can be done by sending an email to: mandy.raijmakers@unie.nl of inge.de.vries@unie.nl