De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

ING Bank: Principles of De Unie for the new ING pension scheme

June 05, 2024

The Future Pensions Act (Wtp) has been in force since 1 July 2023. For ING employees, this means that their pension scheme must be adjusted to comply with the new legislation. These adjustments must be included in a so-called transition plan. This transition plan must be ready by December 31, 2024. English version click here

Principles note

De Unie has drawn up a basic memorandum, which you can use here. read. We want to conduct discussions with ING based on these principles. Consultation that should lead to a transition plan for:

  • the transition from the ING-CDC pension fund (ICP) to a pension scheme in accordance with the Wtp;
  • the possible transfer of the closed pension fund, Pension Fund ING (PFI).


The basic principles note primarily concerns the adjustment of the pension scheme that is implemented by ICP, this is your current pension scheme.


The PFI board intends to switch to the new pension system. The fund can only do this if the collective labor agreement parties (employer and trade unions) cooperate. For this reason, PFI is also mentioned in the basic principles memorandum De Unie.


Do you have any questions about the principles memo, or do you have information on this subject that you would like to share with The Union? Please contact the lawyer Inge de Vries. You can do this by sending an email to: She would like to receive a response no later than June 12. The expected start date of negotiations is June 13, 2024.

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