De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

ICK: Members have agreed to final offer

May 02, 2023

On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, we discussed employers' final offer for the ICK collective labor agreement with employers. These consultations did not result in a new final offer in terms of content. The text of the final offer has been slightly changed at our request. In the section on sustainable employability, a little more text is devoted to the intention of employers.

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This was followed by the members' consultation and voting could take place until 27 April 2023. The members of De Unie voted in favor of the final offer. Our members did comment that they (continue to) see the difference between the wage offer and inflation as an issue.

The vote at CNV Vakmensen has also resulted in approval of the final offer. This means that there is a new ICK collective agreement with two trade unions and employers. The text of the new collective labor agreement can now be drawn up and signed. In anticipation of this, employers can now (start) apply the salary increase. As soon as the new collective labor agreement text is ready, it will be sent to the members.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact the representative Gerard van der Lit at or call 06-5252 2010.


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