De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

De Volksbank: Cao result

December 06 2022

In the past period we have reached a result of negotiations in good and constructive consultation. You can here read the whole result.



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Main points 

  • January 1, 2023 € 1.000 gross once in proportion to part-time percentage.
  • 1 February 2023 4,5% structural wage increase.
  • May 1, 2024 4,25 structural wage increase.
  • Looptijd 2 jaar 1-1-2023/31-12-2024.
  • May 5 as a fixed day off, every year to celebrate freedom.
  • Generation pact from 62 to 80-90-100 (80% work, 90% salary and 100% pension).
  • Equal leave for all types of educators/carers.
  • Gender transition leave.
  • Equal leave for everyone, 208,8 hours. Young people get extra hours. Older people keep what they have. The group from the age of 54 no longer goes to the next category, but retains 223,2 hours.
  • 1 year paid union membership for new members.

To vote

In a number of consultations, we have negotiated constructively and in a positive atmosphere with your employer about a new collective labor agreement. We have also always coordinated with the executives and had consultations with them. They also participated in the collective bargaining table. We would have liked to see a little more pay. But we are satisfied with many other points, such as May 5 as a fixed public holiday, the generation pact, inclusive leave arrangements and more leave for younger employees. The members have received an invitation to vote until December 15, 2022, 12.00 noon.

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