De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

Contract catering, hospitality and inflight: An update

June 06, 2024

This message focuses on the elaboration of the collective labor agreement, pension, RVU, Code Chamber Contract Catering and the Supreme Court's ruling on lunches.

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Unlike previous collective labor agreement negotiations, we have now come a long way with the texts of the new collective labor agreement. We have made clearer agreements and expect that we will be able to send the new collective labor agreement booklet to the members before the summer. We have named the study agreements that have been made as projects, made a plan for them and determined the participants. To be continued soon.


The social partners have periodic consultations with the Horeca en Catering (PH&C) pension fund three times a year to discuss the state of affairs. This will also be the case again on Monday, June 17, 2024, at the fund's office in Zoetermeer. The agenda will include the status of the new pension scheme as of January 1, 2025 and the assessment by supervisory authority DNB. Do you want to know what the status of your pension is? Then look up for your pension matters.


The Early Retirement Scheme (RVU) started in April 2021. Since the start, 508 employees have applied. After a check on the conditions and required documents, 2024 applications for the RVU have been approved up to and including April 237. There are still four applications that are awaiting a signed employer's statement for final approval. The collective labor agreement parties have decided to extend the RVU scheme again until December 31, 2025. Do you want to stop working earlier? Do you fall under the contract catering collective labor agreement and are you no more than 36 months before your state pension date? Then you can apply for an RVU benefit. The benefit duration of the RVU is a maximum of 36 months and there is no minimum duration. Would you like to know more about the RVU? Then take a look at the website

Code Room Contract Catering

The Contract Catering Code Chamber recently met. The Contract Catering Code Chamber includes representatives of employers, clients, intermediaries and trade unions. We discussed developments in the sector, the rollout of the Code Chamber's strategy and the content we will create to create more visibility. The Contract Catering Code Chamber is part of the Code of Responsible Market Conduct. You can read more about this here The Code in practice – Code of Responsible Market Conduct.

Supreme Court ruling on lunch

Rob Baan, owner of horticultural company Koppert Cress, provided her employees with free healthy lunches and received an additional assessment in payroll tax because the free lunches were classified as disguised wages by the tax authorities. Koppert Cress did not agree with this, because the free lunches were provided in the context of its occupational health and safety policy and went to court. The Supreme Court agrees with Koppert Cress that the provision of healthy lunch meals falls under the targeted exemption for occupational health and safety provisions, because this provision is part of the employer's occupational health and safety policy. The consequences of this ruling for the new legislation are still being investigated.


If you want to respond to this message or want to get in touch, you can reach the representative Emanuel Geurts via 06-5252 2074 or via For individual advice you can contact the Service Center department on 0345-851 963, via email or the chat function We are happy to help you!

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