De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

CBR: Cao proposal letter presented to management

April 13, 2023

On April 11, 2023, we had the first collective agreement consultation about the new collective agreement. During this meeting, we explained our CLA proposal letter. The commitment of De Unie is based on the massive input provided by those members. You can imagine here .

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The main topic is wages. As you can read, we propose a wage increase of 15% in total. The management has also explained their previously shared proposals. The many reactions from you showed that there are different ideas about the proposals of the CBR. That's fine. De Unie is there for all employees within the CBR with their different wishes and needs. We would like to make good agreements about this. There is a condition to this, however. Any matters that are then adjusted must be compensated without this being at the expense of the 15% wage increase that we ask for.

All in all, it was a constructive conversation with a good atmosphere. There was understanding and respect for each other's points of view. We mainly listened to each other's wishes and we asked further questions, without already saying that we find something undiscussable.

We will continue with the negotiations on Tuesday 18 April. We agreed to at least talk about the pay rise. We are still far apart at the moment, but we hope that we can take good steps. This possibly in combination with the other proposals from our proposal letter and that of the CBR.

We hope to be able to provide more clarity after Tuesday 18 April.


Have any questions or comments about this post. Please contact the representative, Gerard van der Lit, via

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