De Unie, in your interest

Your collective labor agreement and industry

ABN AMRO: Pension Transition Plan

26 September 2024

In the past period we have been working on the transition plan for the new pension scheme. We are now submitting this to the vote of the members with a Complete membership.

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Future Pension Act

The pension scheme must be adapted to the new pension law that came into effect on July 1, 2023. A number of agreements have already been made in the latest collective labor agreement for the new pension scheme.

The transition to the new pension system means a very big change in the pension rules. The legislator has therefore determined that social partners must draw up a transition plan with motivated balanced choices about, for example, how to deal with the already accrued pension. After pensioners and former employees were able to give their opinion on this via the interest group post-active ABN AMRO in recent weeks (right to be heard), the transition plan is now ready and we are putting it to the members for a vote.

The plan was developed together with pension experts from unions and an independent chairman.

Transition plan

Union members vote on the transition plan. This plan is the basis for the transition to the new pension scheme. All choices, considerations and calculations for the transition to the new scheme can be found here. Topics that have not yet been laid down in the collective labour agreement and which the vote therefore has an impact on, are, for example, inflow and compensation:

  • Invading means introducing the accrued pension entitlements and rights into the new pension system. In the transition plan, social partners request the pension fund to invade the current rights and explain how they intend to do this.
  • In the new law, the current premium system is no longer possible and a switch must be made to a new premium system with an equal premium for everyone, which largely comes into everyone's own 'pension pot'. Without additional measures, this would mean a decline for most employees. Because we do not want that, the transition plan stipulates how compensation will be provided.

To vote

We are pleased with the result. The summary of the transition plan can be found here read the Q&As here and the whole plan here.

More information can also be found on the intranet and on the Pension Fund website.

Members have received an invitation to vote until 16:2024 noon on October 12.00, XNUMX.


If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact the advocate Harma Pethke by email


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