We have recently negotiated a new collective labor agreement. The executives were also present in the side room and at the negotiating table. We achieved a result in the early morning of June 20. We will submit this result for a vote to members with a Complete or extra membership. Below you will find the main points of the result and the members can cast their votes.
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Wage and Term
- The collective labor agreement has a term of two years, from July 1, 2024 to July 1, 2026;
- A structural wage increase of 6% on July 1, 2024;
- A valuation premium in March of 2.5-5% unless there is inadequate performance. This appreciation premium is an annual agreement and applies to all employees, even if you are at the end of the scale;
- The growth in scale will become a fixed growth of 1% per year as of April 2,5 and is no longer dependent on your performance;
- A structural wage increase of 3.75% on July 1, 2025;
- An extra day off on the day after Ascension Day;
- The social plan will be extended unchanged until July 1, 2026.
You can use here read the whole result.
Parties have also created a one-pager with another additional explanation on the result.
The negotiation result explained in 6 minutes:
Can't see this video? Then click here
In recent months, discussions have taken place about your new pension. This is in response to the Future Pensions Act. The pension experts from the trade unions were also present. The solidarity premium scheme has been chosen, which will apply from January 1, 2027. In addition, from January 1, 2025, a pension premium of 30% has been agreed for the next five years. You can read everything in the result.
Here you can read our previous pension letter with an explanation of the new scheme.
To vote
We have negotiated for a long time on many issues. Not all topics have been included, others have. Ultimately, we approached each other and were able to achieve a result. It is only really an agreement once the members have cast their votes. So the floor is up to the members! They can vote until Friday, July 5, 12.00 noon.
Are you not yet a full or extra member and would you like to vote? Then become a member for free now!
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If you have any questions regarding this message, you can contact the advocate Harma Pethke via Harma.pethke@unie.nl