De Unie, in your interest


De Unie remains committed to employment conditions that do justice to the efforts of all ING employees. De Unie will again stand up for your collective labor agreement in the next negotiations.


De Unie believes that the current collective labor agreement increase does not do sufficient justice to the efforts of all employees. We are pleased that employees in the lower pay scales have received a substantial increase, but we continue to regret that less attention was paid to the other pay scales. In our opinion, income policy does not belong in a company collective labor agreement.


The coming period will again be very important when it comes to employment conditions at ING. Your pension plan is the second most expensive employment condition after your salary. The new Pension Act (WTP) forces us to thoroughly revise the current scheme. Together with ING, we will have to make completely new agreements about the form and price of your pension. Once again we will have to look closely at your wishes and desires.


It is therefore very important that as many ING employees as possible are members of De Unie. With your membership you have direct influence on the future of your own pension!

The month of the union at ING has ended. Of course you can still join the largest trade union in finance!

8 reasons to join now De Unie

  • Complete help with work, benefits & income
  • Exclusive member benefits
  • Handy calculation tools & sample letters
  • Newsletter about your work & income
  • Legal advice & support
  • Insight into your pension
  • Help & advice with your benefit
  • Participation in your terms of employment

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