De Unie, in your interest

One year free complete member!

Your collective agreement

Your collective labor agreement determines everything about your employment: from your salary to your pension accrual, from travel allowances to vacation days. It is therefore very important that the correct agreements are recorded in this. If not, it can just affect your income or career opportunities. It is therefore very valuable if you – together with your colleagues – vote on the content of the collective labor agreement and thus become a member of De Unie.

Because you work at Rabobank, de Volksbank, ABNAMRO or VGZ, your employer allows you to become a member of the association for free for a year. De Unie. And your employer pays.


In your collective labor agreement, we have agreed with your employer that every employee may become a free member of for one year De Unie. Your employer thus recognizes the importance of trade unions in the creation of a good collective labor agreement. Your employer also indicates that it considers it important that employees receive professional advice and, if necessary, help with questions or issues at work.


You only need to register. We arrange the invoicing of your contribution directly with your employer. This is of course done anonymously. Your employer will never know from us whether you have become a member of De Unie. Our membership expires automatically after one year. Of course we hope you stay!

Click on your employer and register immediately!





8 reasons to join De Unie

  • Complete help with work, benefits & income
  • Exclusive member benefits
  • Handy calculation tools & sample letters
  • Newsletter about your work & income
  • Legal advice & support
  • Insight into your pension
  • Help & advice with your benefit
  • Participation in your terms of employment