De Unie, in your interest

News about ABU

De Unie at ABU

De Unie represents the interests of flex workers (temporary workers and seconded workers) in the temporary employment sector, as well as those of permanent employees employed by temporary employment agencies. In addition, we are administratively represented in SNCU: the 'police' in the temporary employment sector, DOORZAAM: the foundation that believes in stimulating the sustainable employability of temporary workers and that is done by using an integrated approach. De Unie is a party to the ABU and NBBU CLA for Temporary Employees and the CLA for Permanent Employees at ABU. The employers involved are united in the Algemene Bond Uitzendondernemen (ABU) and the NBBU.


DOORZAAM is the new foundation, where STAF (Stichting Arbo Flexbranche) and STOOF (Foundation for Training and Development Flex Industry) have merged on 1 February 2019. DOORZAAM: the foundation that believes in stimulating the sustainable employability of temporary workers and that is done by using an integrated approach. This is based on an integrated, or “all-in-one-approach”, whereby the assessment will always be whether this benefits the long-term employability of the temporary worker. Temporary employment agencies and clients are indispensable in this approach. Do look up this website.


The SNCU (Stichting Compliance Cao for Temporary Employees) is a foundation that promotes compliance with the collective labor agreements in the temporary employment sector. SNCU does this by providing information about these collective agreements and by carrying out checks at employment agencies. The importance of SNCU's work is to promote fair competition and to ensure that temporary workers receive what they are entitled to under the collective labor agreement. The SNCU was founded by employers and employee organizations in the temporary employment sector. On the employer's side this is the ABU and the NBBU and on the employee side FNV Bondgenoten, CNV Dienstenbond, LBV and De Unie.

